Visual Communication Design
This Blog brings weekly updates on Visual Thinking and Design. Each new entry is developed in order to make different reflections on the impact of going visual.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Video Making
Monday, April 4, 2011
Additional Testing via Survey Monkey

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In order to select which concept is to be chosen and tested a visit to the tourist info office in central Rotterdam took place. This visit was mainly done because at tourist info points they are use to deal with visitors and have an idea about how to indicate direction to them.
From it, it is important to highlight that the three concepts have elements to incorporate on the final version of the map.
According to the person interviewed, concept 1 has a better overview but is lacking information, which can be confusing. The color contrast works to indicate direction.
Concept 2 is clearer about pointing museums and shops. This is achieved with the icons. Concept 3 is useful because of the text. Street names help the visitors to locate themselves on their own map.
Because concept 2 is the clearer based on shopping and cultural visits, it was used for a quick street test.
For the test 6 randomly picked people on Rotterdam center were questioned. Two questions were asked; firstly, if they could note any differences between both of the concept versions. Secondly, which direction would they walk when looking at the concept as a map?

In general, people didn’t understand the relationship between the concept and a map. The difference that was mainly noted was the gray color changing from one version into the other one. The user
s did not see a clear distinction between shopping and cultural visit icons. They didn’t relate the images with the activities and they wouldn’t walk on the desired direction.
In conclusion, the team has to develop the map further. The icons must be clearer. It is necessary to use more “direction guide” tools in order to point the route better.
The team considers that it may be a good idea to unify the three concepts. This means, use a nice overview with color contrast and pop out for direction, include shopping and cultural-sites icons and add the street names for better comprehension of the map.
Concept 1
Basically, the concept uses fading in and out of lines in order to indicate direction. In addition, high color contrast (yellow-black) is used to guide the visitor into the right direction.

Concept 2
The concept shows museums and shops with an icon. It also adds different shades of gray in order to indicate walking direction. In addition, it uses pop out to highlight the icons.
Concept 3
This concept is based on street names; it seeks to provide more information to the visitors. The size variation of the first letter of each street as well as the text direction gives the idea of which way to walk.